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Grey Brick Wall


Everest poster 2024.jpg


  August 23-24 2024


4 stage Annual Ninja Competition Event

All competitors run 3 stages.  The top 5 Ninjas for each age group M/F will run

the 4th stage - The Summit.

The past Everest comps have been one of the highlight weekends of all time.  Lots of cool ninjas from all over the country enjoying their sport and their friends.  

Trophies and much bigger cash prizes than your typical competition.  


Age Groups

9 & under

10-11 yrs 


Pro:  14-39

Masters:  40+

10250 s state, Sandy, Utah

August 23rd 2024   5:00pm  Opening Ceremonies for all age groups 
                                    and Speed Course
August 24th  9:00 am - Rules for Day 2

Your division is determined by the age you are on the day of the competition. 

 Sign up now to reserve your spot. All participants must sign our waiver. 

Everest Competition video

Everest Scoring Guidelines


Every competitor will get to run 3 courses guaranteed plus participate in team races. 

The team races are one of our favorite events in ninja. The results of races don’t matter for overall Everest scoring or placement but there are prizes for the winning teams


The 3 courses each competitor runs are referred to as base camps. Based on combined results from the 3 base camps the top competitors will advance to the Summit course (final) 

The winner of the summit course will be the overall winner of Everest 


The 3 base camps will be the following: 

Base camp 1 - speed course on Friday at Impact Ninja Gym 

Basecamp 2 - hybrid course on Saturday at Ninja Playground 

Basecamp 3- hybrid course on Saturday at Impact Ninja Gym


With each basecamp the competitors will be scored based on points (obstacles completed) and then speed 

Every competitor will be allowed to complete the course if they finish within the course time limit

There will not be a limit on obstacle fails 


The competitors placement for each base camp will award them points. If you finish 1st you will receive one point, 2nd will receive two points, 3rd will receive three points etc…


Those points will be combined at the end of the three base camps to determine who qualifies for the Summit 

Like in golf - the Lowest scores wins 


The top 4 male & Top 4 Female in each category will qualify to compete in The Summit & the winner of the Summit course will be the overall winner of Everest 

If you or your child are nervous about competing, that's 100% normal. The great thing about the sport is that everyone is very welcoming and encouraging.


These competitions are outrageously fun, and you'll feel more confidence just by showing up and competing.


In order to help you get even more prepped for the competition, here are some Frequently Asked Questions. 


Q: Do I need to have the experience to compete?


A: While having experience helps,

you don't need any experience. That's

one of the awesome things about

ninja obstacles courses. You can show

up and compete and have fun.


Q: What kind of shoes or clothes

should I wear?


A: Wear shoes that are comfortable and

have a grip. Usually, tennis shoes work

fine. Wear normal gym clothes, unless

you want to add some flare ;)

The best ninja shoes are the New Balance Zante V3.


Q: What if there's an obstacle I can't do?


A: Sometimes that happens. That's the nice thing about having these competitions every few months. If there is an obstacle you don't overcome, come down to the Gym and practice and the next time around, we'll make sure you sail over it.



Hope these answers get you excited for competing. It's really a lot of fun and we'd love to see you there. If you have any more questions, give us a call.

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